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Students spend the first 8 weeks of the program taking course work in Lugano, Switzerland and traveling Europe on the weekends. Our students get to experience 3 forms of travel:


1. Guided​Travel is set up and supervised by Resident Advisors (RA), recent college graduates who participated in Linking Lives Study Abroad Programs while they were in college. These RA's live with the Gap Semester Students in Lugano. 


2. Directed: Students are required to travel to a particular city. They are able to book their own accommodations and plan their own itinerary. Both must be approved by the RA. Students are NEVER allowed to travel alone, and must always be accompanied by at least one other group member. The RA will be in the same city, should the students need assistance throughout their time. 


3. Free: Students are able to travel to any city in Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, or Spain. Students are NEVER allowed to travel alone, and must always be accompanied by at least one other group member. Location and contact information must be provided to RA's who can be contacted 24/7 in case of an emergency.




The schedule is set to allow students to slowly gain more independence as they become comfortable traveling and making decisions on their own:


  • Week 1- 3: Orientation and "Leadership and Social Change"

    • Weekend 1: Hike in Lugano, Guided day trip to Lake Como, Italy, Guided day trip to Milan, Italy 

    • Weekend 2: Guided trip to Florence and Venice, Italy 

    • Weekend 3: Directed trip to Interlaken and Zermatt, Switzerland

  • Week 4 - 6: "International Politics and Diplomacy"

    • Weekend 4: Free travel to Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany*, or Spain 

    • Weekend 5: Free travel to Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany*, or Spain 

    • Weekend 6: Free travel to Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany*, or Spain 

  • Week 7 - 8: "Ethical and Sustainable Service Learning"

    • Weekend 7: Free travel to Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany*, or Spain 

    • Weekend 8: Free travel to Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany*, or Spain 




Students then spend the next five weeks in Ethiopia, Rwanda, or Kenya. The schedule will vary based on location and partner needs, but a sample schedule includes:


  • Week 1: Orientation and Partner Organization Introduction 

    • Weekend 1:​ Visit local museums  

  • ​Week 2: Educational Summer Camps and Partner Organizations
    • Weekend 2:​ Go on a local hike 
  • Week 3: Educational Summer Camps and Partner Organizations
    • Weekend 3:​ Go an a wildlife safari excursion 
  • Week 4: Educational Summer Camps and Partner Organizations
    • Weekend 4:​ Attend a group reflection retreat
  • Week 5: Conclusion and Wrap up with Partner Organizations


To learn more about our partner organizations in Africa and what our students do during their experience there, please visit our Service Learning page. 



*Students are not permitted to attend the Oktoberfest Festival in Munich, Germany

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