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Students who participate in either the Fall or Spring study abroad programs have the opportunity to become an intern for Linking Lives LLC*.

Interns will spend 8 weeks in teams researching, developing, and implementing projects to solve real life challenges of our nonprofit partner organizations in Africa focusing on topics such as:

  • Education 

  • Economic Development 

  • Environmental Sustainability 

  • Women's Empowerment

  • Health

Summer 2020 Intern Projects focused on our partners in Tigray, Ethiopia to develop:

  • Afterschool Chess, Debate, and Theater Program to Develop Creativity and Critical Thinking

  • Tourism Training School to Increase Economic Opportunities and Reduce Outmigration 

  • Biofuel Cooking to Reduce Neonatal Mortality Rates

  • Using Narratives to Empower Women's Professional and Entrepreneurial Skills  

  • Decision Making Curriculum to Promote Safe Sex and Reduce the Spread of HIV/AIDS

The Summer 2021 Intern Group received funding from the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy Kigali to support a 15 week women's program teaching decision making, leadership, and entrepreneurship through storytelling. The grant was implemented in collaboration with Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus, one of Linking Live's NGO partners in Rwanda. Five local Rwandan mentors were hired to teach the program, four interns returned to Rwanda to assist for two weeks, and 30 women in Rilima, Rwanda participated. All participants received training and funding to start a small business. Learn more about the intern experience below:

"I am so grateful for my experience as a Linking Lives intern! The internship allowed me to continue working on the grant proposal project that my fellow classmates and I started during our spring semester abroad. I learned valuable information about grant writing, the work that goes into submitting a grant proposal, the “what next” that comes after receiving funding, and so much more.  Linking Lives truly opened the door for me to continue my study abroad experience, even after my semester abroad was over, through this internship. I had the chance to return to Rwanda a year after my first visit, in order to work directly with our partner NGO and community members on the grant program.  My time as an intern truly prepared me for my future endeavors in the professional world. I was able to strengthen my communication, leadership, and problem solving skills through this internship, all while creating a positive and sustainable impact on a community that means a lot to me. I highly recommend this internship to everyone who has participated in a Linking Lives study abroad program!"

Sarah, Summer 2021 Intern 

“The linking lives study abroad program is so unique because it allows you to continue to be involved after the official study abroad program is over. I interned with Marjie Woods and Dr. Brinberg for 8 weeks and during that time, we recruited for the future programs, finalized our grant proposal, and submitted that grant to funders. It was so rewarding working with a strong group of ladies on the project, as well as gaining the skill of being able to write a grant proposal. Our group ended up receiving funding in October and even after the internship, I was able to continue to work on the program and eventually help implement it in Rwanda. Myself and another woman in the group were able to go back to Rwanda for two weeks a year later, and see our grant through. Ultimately, it ended being a year and a half experience, not just a semester one. The things that I learned went so far beyond what I learned in the classroom during my abroad semester, and the internship is what linked the semester to following through with the grant. I learned so much from Marjie and Dr. Brinberg as well as from the women in my group. This is easily one of the most rewarding, enlightening, and unique experiences I’ve had in my college career.”

Emma, Summer 2021 Intern

Interns will also develop marketing materials, run social media platforms, prepare for program recruitment, and help manage alumni relations.


The Linking Lives Summer Internship program will prepare students for a career after graduation by helping them to gain valuable experience and skills in: 

  • Working with International Organizations

  • Grant Writing 

  • Marketing, Social Media, and Recruiting 

  • Managing Alumni and Partner Relations

  • Teamwork and Communication 

  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

  • Time Management and Organization

Successful completion of the internship may result in future employment through the Linking Lives Traineeship Program.

* Linking Lives LLC is a global education consulting company that provides services to universities to create, implement, and evaluate study abroad programs and study abroad related projects. 

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